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Lần cập nhật cuối ( Thứ bảy, 26 Tháng 8 2023 19:13 )


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Lời mời của các Nhà xuất bản - Publisher Invitations: Editorship (Ed), Authorship (Au) and Articles (Ar)

  1. Innovations in Corrosion and Materials Science (Ed) 2020
  2. AAAFM Publishing Group (American Association for Advance in Functional Materials):  Editorial Board Member, Associate Editor-in-Chief, Editor in Chief for new Jounals: AAAFM- Energy, AAAFM- Material Communication, AAAFM- Catalysis, 2019
  3. PiscoMed Publishing, Singapore, Ed of J. Material Physics and Chemistry, And of J. Insight-Energy Science 2018, 2019
  4. EnPress Publisher (USA), Ed of J. Thermo Science and Engineering and of J. Current Electronics and Telecommunications 2017, 2018
  5. Nova Publisher, New Book Cooperation, Spray Pyrolysis: Techniques and Applications, USA, Au or Ed 2018
  6. Whoice Publishing Pte. Ltd., Ed of J. Modern Material Science and Technology, Singapore, 2018
  7. Springer: Ar to SpringerOpen, Applied Nanoscience and SpringerPlus 2013

Lời mời của tạp chí, sách- Journals, Book invitations: Editor (Ed), Review (R) and Articles(Ar)

1. "Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (Ar) 2020

2. Current Mechanics and Advanced Materials (Ed) 2020

3. The Open Materials Engineering, Advisory Board Membership 2020

4.  Innovations in Corrosion and Materials Science (Ed) 2020

5. Current Chinese Science, Section: Materials Science (Ed) 2020

6. International Research Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry, UK, Ar, 2019

7. Current Smart Materials: Executive Guest Ed, 2019.

8. Corrosion Science: eBook, Editor 2019

9. Advances in Nanoparticles ( ANP), Ar, 2019

10. J. Catalysts-Catalytic Fast Pyrolysis , Ar, 2019

11. International Journal of Membrane Sciences and Technology (IJMST), Guest Ed, Ar,

      2018, 2019.

12. Green and Sustainable Chemistry (GSC), Special Issue on Green Catalyst Ar, 2018.

13. Advanced in Materials Physics anf Chemistry (AMPC), Special Issue on Perovskite-

      type Materials Research, Ar, 2018

14. Recent Patents on Material Science  Advisory Board Membership, 2018.

15. Material Science and Chemical Engineering ( MSCE) Ar, 2018.

16. Journal of Coating Science and Technology (JCST), Ar and propose a special

      issue, 2018

17. Academia Journal of Biotechnology, Ar, 2018

18. Research Journal of life Sciences, Bioinformatics, Pharmaceutical and Chemical

      Sciences ( RJLBPCS) Ar, 2018,

19.  Material Science and Applications (MSA), Special Issue: Energy Materials, Ar, 2018                          

20. Publons ( Địa chỉ email này đã được bảo vệ từ spam bots, bạn cần kích hoạt Javascript để xem nó. ): Ar  

21. Green Catalyst, Ar, 2018

22. International J. of Engineering Research & Science, Ar, 2018

23. Advances in Chemical Engineering and Science (ACES)-Thermal Spraying

      Technology, Ar, 2018

24. J. of Materials Science and Research, USA, Ar, 2017, 2018

25. Modern Materials Science an Technology (MMST) Ed, 2018,

26. Advances in Materials Physics and Chemistry (AMPC), Special Issue : Nano –

      assembling Technology, Ar, 2017

27. International J. of Nanotechnology in Medicine & Engineering (IJNME), Ar, 2017

28. J. of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering (MSCE), Special Issue : Materials

      for Energy and Its Applications, Ar, 2017

29. International J. Materials Science and Applications (IJMSA) Ar, Ed, Re, 2017,

30. Open Physics Journal, Editorial Advisory Board, 2017,

31. Journal of Analytical Science, Methods and Instrumentation, Ar, 2017

32. Modern Research in Catalysis (MRC), Special Issue on “Heterogeneous Catalysis”, Ar, 2017

33. Advances in Biological Chemictry (ABC), Special Issue on Photochemical &

      Photobiological Science, Ar, 2016

34. Advanced in Applied Physics, Ar, 2014

35. SciencePG, Propose a Special Issue and be the Lead Guest Ed, 2014

36. Journal of Materials Science-Photon Innovations,  Ar, 2013,

Lời mời Hội nghị khoa học( Hội đồng Chương trình kỹ thuật) -Conferences Invitations: Technical Program Commitee Member (TPC)

  1. MSMI2020 is to be held in Hangzhou. (TPC) 2020
  2. The 8th annual International Conference on Material Science and Environmental Engineering, TPC and Kyenote speaker, 2020
  3. 3rd annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Materials(ICMEM2020), TPC
  4. International Conference on Material Engineering and Application (ICMEA), China TPC, 2019.
  5. International Conference on Energy, Environmental and Chemistry (ICEECE), TPC, 2019
  6. International Workshop on Materials Science and Engineering, China TPC, 2019
  7. International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Materials (ICMEM2019), TPC or Keynote speaker. 2019
  8. International Conference on Biomedical and Bioengineering, TPC and Review, 2019
  9. International Conference on Material Engineering and Application (ICMEA), TPC and Distinguished Keynote speaker, 2019
  10. International Conference on Material Chemistry and Environmental Protection ( MEEP) China TPC and Keynote speaker, 2017, 2019
  11. International Workshop on Materials Science and Engineering (IWMSE), official certification of TPC, 2018
  12. International Workshop on Material Science and Engineering (IWMSE) TPC and REVIEW, 2017,
  13. International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering (ICMSE), TPC and Keynote speaker, 2017
  14. International Conference on Materials Science and Environment Protection (MSEP) TPC, 2017


Lời mời làm Diễn giả, Báo cáo mời, Phản biện-Conference Invitations: Keynote speaker (KS), Invited Speaker (IS), Reviewer(R) and Participate (P)

  1.  ESEM 2020,  KS
  2. World Chemistry Forum 2020 (WCF-2020), IS
  3. World Chemistry Forum 2020, Advanced Research of Catalysis, Japan, IS, 2019,
  4. International Conference on Composites or Nano Engineering (ICCE) Spain, and SCI Journal, IS, 2019
  5. International Conference on Graphene and Novel Nanomaterials (GNN) Thailand,  P, R, 2018, 2019
  6. International Conference on Solar Photovoltaic Technology (CSPT), China, IS, 2019 
  7. Interact with the world class Sientists - World Cogress & Expo on Nanotechnology and Material Science, Current Devolopment and future Trends in Nanotechnology and Material Science- Dubai, UEA, P, 2018, 2019
  8. International Conference on Advanced Material Research and Processing Technology (AMRPT) IS, R, 2019
  9. International Conference on Thin Film Technology an Applications (TFTA) IS, KS, 2019
  10. International Conference on Management Science and Management Innovation (MSMI), China  KS, 2019
  11. International Conference on Material Strenght and Applied Mechanics (MSAM), IS, R, Japan 2018, Ukraine 2019
  12. World Congress on Clinical and Medical Science, Current Development and future trends in Medical Science, Italy, IS, 2018
  13. Global Conference on Materials Science and Engineering (CMSE), China 2018 , 2016, 2019, IS, R
  14. Global Conference on Polymer and Composite Materials (PCM), Japan 2018, Thailand 2019, P, R,
  15. International Conference on Advanced Environmental Engineering, KS, 2019,
  16. International Conference on Materials and Nanomaterials, Paris, IS, 2019
  17. International Conference on Advanced Technology Innovation ICATI, Japan. IS, 2019
  18. AAAFM-UCLA (American Association for Advance in Fuctional Materials) Conference in University of California, Los Angles, P, 2019
  19. International Conference on Composites Nano or Material Engineering ICCE-, China, IS, 2019,
  20. Collaborative Conference on Materials Science and Technology (CCMST), , China 2018, IS
  21. International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation (IMETI) Taiwan 2018
  22. EMN Meeting on Optoelectronics, Thailand, IS, 2016
  23. International Conference on Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience (ICCTN), USA, P, 2016,
  24. International Conference on Materials Science and Materials Engineering (IMSME) China, KS, 2016
  25. EMN Meeting on Titanium Oxides, USA, IS, 2016
  26. International Association of Advance Materials (IAAM)-  “ The World of New Age Technology and Innovations”, Sweden, IS, 2017
  27. Global Congress on Catalysis (GCC), IS, 2017
  28. European Advanced Materials Cogress, Sweden, Formally invite, 2017,
  29. International Conference on Research & Innovations in Science & Technology (ICRIST) Thailand IS, 2016.
  30. Global Cogress of Catalysis- Frontier of Chemical Catalysis, Korea IS, 2016,
  31. Polymer and Composite Material Conference PCM, R, 2016
  32. International Science- Practics Conference on Scientific Perspectives of The 21st Century. Achievements and Prospects of The New Century, Russia IS, 2015,
  33. EMN Bangkok Meeting on Material, IS, 2015
  34. EMN Meeting on Photocatalysis Las Vegas, IS, 2015

Đề xuất tiếp xúc và hợp tác- Proposals, Offers and Contacts of Company and Organizations

  1. BioZone Scientific Phils., Inc. 2020
  2. Dr SANJAY MAHESHWARI, MD (USA), 2020   
  3. Citizen Industries India 2020
  4. General Manager Magical Hands 2020
  5. Delgado Coating and Technology Solutions Pvt Ltd., India 2019
  6. Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France, 2019
  7. UAS Tech Forum- Interested in getting your company and product in fron of manufacturers, entrepreneurs and inventor in the UAS industry, USA, 2018
  8. The Water Stain DoctorTM, Malasia 2018
  9. OMNICR- Omnipresence Construction and Roofing,  USA, 2017
  10. EVONIX- World biggest the fumed TiO2 producer, Germany 2016
  11. Athens Institute 2016:Academic Member, R and Ed journals
  12. SHINDO INDUSTRY CO., LTD. Korea 2015
  13. The Federal Laboratory Consortium (WBT- World’s Best Technoliogy),  USA, 2015
  14. Lithosera Dis Tic. Ltd. Sti-  Stambul- Turkey 2015
  15. ATZ Consultal, Arab 2014
  16. EIKIN  Antalya, Turkey 2014
  17. CzechInvest Investment and Business Devolopment Agency, Czech 2013
  18. WBT - World’s Best Technology - Showcase IP Portflio –USA 2012
  19. Textilveredelung Grabher GmbH, Austria, 2011
  20. Chuyên gia Kỹ Thuật chuyên sâu của BQL Dự án “Chỉ khâu phẫu thuật phủ nano bạc kháng khuẩn”  thuộc chương trình “Đổi mới sáng tạo thông qua nghiên cứu khoa học và công nghệ” (FIRST) của Bộ Khoa học Công Nghệ do Ngân hàng thế giới (WB) tài trợ 2019.



Lần cập nhật cuối ( Thứ bảy, 25 Tháng 6 2022 08:15 )


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Lần cập nhật cuối ( Thứ bảy, 26 Tháng 11 2011 19:09 )


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Lần cập nhật cuối ( Thứ năm, 17 Tháng 11 2011 12:56 )


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Lần cập nhật cuối ( Thứ năm, 17 Tháng 11 2011 13:00 ) Đọc thêm...


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Lần cập nhật cuối ( Thứ năm, 17 Tháng 11 2011 12:57 )


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LTS- Phòng thí nghiệm Vật lý ứng dụng Trường đại học Khoa học Tự nhiên, Ðại học Quốc gia Hà Nội vừa chế tạo thành công một loại vật liệu nano ô-xít ti-tan có khả năng tiêu diệt E. Coli, vi-rút cúm, phân hủy xanh mê-ty-len, phê-nol, đi-ô-xin, tách lọc thạch tín của vật liệu và đã được kiểm nghiệm [ … ]

Lần cập nhật cuối ( Chủ nhật, 13 Tháng 11 2011 00:03 ) Đọc thêm...


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Trên thế giới, công nghệ nano đang là một cuộc cách mạng sôi động: Các nước phát triển như Mỹ, Nhật Bản… đang dẫn đầu trong lĩnh vực công nghệ mũi nhọn này.

Lần cập nhật cuối ( Chủ nhật, 13 Tháng 11 2011 00:06 ) Đọc thêm...